Marchioness of Huntly's Favorite (2)
Marchioness of Huntly's Favorite (2): Annotations
X:1 T:Marchioness of Huntly's Favorite [2] M:C| L:1/8 R:Strathspey C:Neil Gow Jr. (1795-1823) B:Gow - Sixth Collection of Strathspey Reels (1822) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Eb E<E ~e>f {e}g>f e2|E<E c>B eG F2|E<E FG A>B c2|B>c (c/B/)(A/G/) T(F2 {EF}E2):|| g>d g>f eB c2|B<B a>g f>e f2|e>B cE FG [E2c2]|B>c (c/B/)(A/G/) T(F2 {EF}E2)| g>e g>f eB c2|B<B a>g f>e f2|e>B cE FG [E2c2]|B>c (c/B/)(A/G/) T(F2 {EF}E2)||
Marchioness of Huntly's Favorite (2): Annotations