Miller's Maggot (The)
Miller's Maggot (The): Annotations
X:1 T:Miller's Maggot, The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:O'Farrell - National Irish Music for the Union Pipes (1804) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F F2G A2G|A2G AFD|F2G A2G|Ad^c d3| F2G A2G|A2G AFD|fed cAG|Adc d3:| |:d2e fed|cAA AGF|D2 e2 f3|gfg a3| d2e fed|cAA AGF|G2A B2G|Adc d3:|]
X:1 T:Miller's Maggot, The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig Z:NJI K:G G2A B2A|B2A BGE|G2A B2A|Bee dBA| G2A B2A|B2A BGE|gfe dBA|1 Bde dBA:|2Bde dBd|| |:e2f g2e|d2B BAG|e2f gfg|a2a bge| e2f g2e|d2B BAG|A2B cBA|1 Bde dBd:|2 Bde dBA||
X:2 T:Miller's Maggot, The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:jig D:Solas: Sunny Spells and Scattered Showers Z:Devin McCabe F: K:G G2A B2A | B2A BGE | G2A B2A | Bee dBA | !G2A B2A | B2A BGE | gfe dBA |1 Bee dBA :|2 Bee dBd || |:e2f- fge | d2B BAG | e2f ~g3 | aga bge | !e2f- fge | d2B BAG | A2B cBA |1 Bee dBd :|2 Bee dBA ||
Miller's Maggot (The): Annotations