Minstrelsy of Chirk Castle (The)
X:1 T:Erddigan Caer Waun T:Minstrelsy of Chirk Castle, The M:C L:1/8 R:Air Q:"With Energy" N:”Castell y Waun, or Chirk Castle, in Denhighshire, is the grand mansion N:of the Middletons, and the most perfect habitable Castle. In Wales it N:stands upn an eminence, and commands a most beautiful picturesque N:Country. When it was occupied by its ancient Barons it appears to have N:been the rec(?)acle of Bards.” B:Edward Jones – Musical and Poetical Relicks of the Welsh Bards (1784, p. 126) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Cmix A/B/|(cA)(BG) (AF) zA/B/|(cA)(BG) (AF) zG/A/|(B>c) (A>B) (G>A) (F>G)|E<C ~(D>C) C3:| |:E/F/|G2 GA ~B2 A2|~(G2F2)(E2[F2A2])|BAGF EF G/A/B/G/|F2 TE2 [A,3F3]:| M:6/8 L:1/8 c/B/|A>BG FGA|A>BG FGA|B>cA G>AF|E>FD C2:| M:C L:1/8 |:EF|[E2G2] GA (B>>cd/4) A2|(G>>AG/4 F2) (E>>FG/4) F2|BAGF EF G/A/B/G/|F2TE2 [A,2F2]!fermata!:|] P:Variation c|(3cAC) (3BGB, (3AFA, (3AFA,|(3cAC (3BGB, (3AFA, (3AFA,|(3B,GB (3A,FA (3G,EG (3F,DF|E<C ~(D>C) C3:| E>F|(3BEC (3AFC (3BFD (3AEC|(3GDB, (3FCA, (3EB,G, (3FCA,|(3B,BA (3GAF (3FEF (3DGB|(3cAF (3BGE F2:| M:6/8 L:1/8 [c/c'/][B/b/]|A/a/B/b/G/g/ F/f/G/g/A/a/|A/a/B/b/G/g/ F/f/G/g/A/a/|B/b/c/c'/A/a/ G/g/A/a/F/f/|E/e/F/f/D/d/ [C2c2]:| EF|z/4(G/4c/4e/4g/4e/4c/4G/4) GA (z/4B/4d/4f/4b/4f/4d/4B/4) z [Acea]|z/4(G/4B/4d/4g/4d/4B/4) z[FAcf] z/4(E/4G/4B/4e/4B/4G/4E/4) z[FAcf]| B/b/A/a/ G/g/F/f/ E/e/D/d/ C/c/B,/B/|z/4(A,/4C/4F/A/4F/4C/4A,/4) z/4(G,/4B,/4E/4G/4B,/4G,/4) [A,3C3F3]!fermata!:|]
X:1 T:Erddigan Caer Waen T:Minstrelsy of Chirk Castle, The M:C L:1/8 R:Air Q:”With Energy” O:Welsh B:Edward Jones - ”A choice collection of 51 Welsh airs” (1863, p. 26) N:Edward Jones (1752-1824) advertised himself as "harper to his late Majesty N:King George the Fourth, when Prince of Wales." Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:F A/B/|(cA)(BG) (AF) zA/B/|(cA)(BG) (AF) zG/A/|(B>c) (A>B) (G>A) (F>G)|E<C ~(D>C) C2:| |:E/F/|G2 GA ~B2-A2|~G2-F2 E2-A2|BAGF EF G/A/B/G/|F2 TE2F2:| M:6/8 |:c/B/|A>BG FGA|A>BG FGA|B>cA G>AF|E<FD C2:| |:EF|G2 GA (B>c/2B/4) A2|(G>A/2G/4) F2) (E>F/2G/4 F2)|BAGF EF G/A/B/G/|F2TE2 F2:|]