Miss Eliza Forsyth
X:1 T:Miss Eliza Forsyth’s Strathspey M:C| L:1/8 R:G B: John Morison - A Collection of New Strathspey Reels, with a few favourite Marches (Edinburgh, c. 1797, No. 3) N:Organist and fiddler Morison (1772-1848) was from Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, the easternmost point in Scotland, N:on the North Sea. Alburger notes that failing fortunes forced him to diversify: he also organized balls and ran a ship's chandlery. F: https://web-cdn.org/s/153/file/Free-Downloads/John-Morison/Morison_J.pdf K:G g|dB GA/B/ AFAB|cedB GABg|dB GA/B/ AFAB|cedB G2 Gg| dB GA/B/ AFAB|cedB GABb|dBGD EFGA|{c}BA/G/ {B}AG/F/ G2 Gd|| gage dBGg|edge abaf|gage dBGB|ce d/c/B/A/ G2 Gd| gage dBGg|edge abag|ba/g/ ag/f/ gf/e/ dB|cedB G2G||
X:1 T:Miss Eliza Forsyth M:C L:1/8 S:Glen Collection, vol. 2 (1895) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G g|dB GA/B/ AFAB|cedB GABg|dB GA/B/ AFAB|cedB G2 Gg| dB GA/B/ AFAB|cedB GABg|dBGD EFGA|BA/G/ AG/F/ G2G|| d|gage dBGg|edeg abaf|gage dBGB|ce d/c/B/A/ G2 Gd| gage dBGg|edeg abag|ba/g/ ag/f/ gf/e/ dB|cedB G [B,G]||