Miss MacDowal Grant's Strathspey--of Arndilly
X:1 T:Miss MacDowal Grant of Arndilly M:C L:1/16 R:Strathspey B:Stewart-Robertson – The Athole Collection (1884) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Cmin g2|GG3 c3d e4 e3g|fb3df3 B3c dB3|GG3 c3d e4 e3g|f3b gfed c4c2:| ga|bc3gc3 bc3 g3a|b3gf3b d3Bf3d|bc3gc3 bc3 g3a|b3gf3d c4 c2ga| bc3gc3 bc3 g3a|b3g fb3 d3bf3d|GG3 c3d e4 e3g|f3b gfed c4 c2||