Miss Margaret Graeme of Inchbrakie
Miss Margaret Graeme of Inchbrakie: Annotations
X:1 % T:Miss Margaret Graeme of Inchbrakie M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey B:Stewart-Robertson – The Athole Collection (1884) K:Gmin g|d<G d>c d>G G<f|c<F c>A c>F A<f|d<G d>c d>G G<g| f>dc>A G2G:|d|g<a b>g a>^fg>d|f>d c<f A<F c>A| g>ab>g a>^fg>d|f<c f>A G2 G>d|g>ab>g a>^fg>d| f>d c<f A<F c>A|G<BA<c B<dc<g|f>dc>A G2G||
Miss Margaret Graeme of Inchbrakie: Annotations