Moll Ross
X: 1 T:Moll Ross. JJo4.018 B:J.Johnson Choice Collection Vol 4, 1748 Z:vmp.Robert Watkins 2014 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:3/8=126 N:Double repeat sign then plain bar lines at end of tune. F: K:C c/B/|c2G EFE|DEDB3|c2G EFE|G3c3:|| ceg gec|Bcd dBG|cdc edc|e3g3| geg fdf|ece dcB|c2G EFE|G3c3|]
X: 1 T:Moll Ross. Ru1.046 L:1/8 B:RUTHERFORD Complete Collection of 200 Country Dances Vol.1; London: David & John Rutherford 1756. Z:vmp.Mike Hicken 2015 N: NB undotted in MS M:6/8 Q:3/8=110 F: K:C c/B/|c2G EFE|DED B3|c2G EFE|G3"NB"c3:| |:ceg gec|Bcd dBG|cdc edc|e3g3| geg fdf|ece dcB|c2G EFE|G3c3 :| W: W: The first Cou. sets to the 2d Wo. .| The same to W: the Man :| Lead down between the 2d Cou. & W: without the 3d and turn your Partne .|. Lead W: up to the Top foot it & cast off :||: foot it Corners W: but not turn :|| Hands round all six .||. Rt. Hand W: and Left at Top :|
X:1 T:Moll Ross M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:John Thomas music manuscript collection (Wales, 1752, p. 21) F: N:Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru – The National Library of Wales Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:C c/B/|c2G EFE|DED B3|c2G EFE|G3c3:| ceg gec|Bcd dcB|cdc edc|e3 g3| geg fdf|ece dcB|c2G EFE|G3c3||