Moonshiner's Serenade
X:1 T:Mooshiner's Serenade N:From the playing of George R. Pariseau (1868-1949, Bad Axe, Huron N:County, Michigan), Pariseau was:the "thumb" of Michigan's leading dance N:fiddler in his day, according to Paul Gifford. N:Digital collections from the Genessee Historical Collections Ctr., D: D: D:Gennett 7203 (78 RPM), George R. Pariseau's Orchestra (1930) M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Waltz Q:"Brisk" N:Play AA'BB'AA'B'C. Thereafter familiar 3/4 tunes such as "He's a Jolly Good N:Fellow" and "Did You ever See a Dutchman" are tagged onto the medley. Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G |:d2 dc Bd|g2d2b2|(a/b/a) e2f2|{a}(g/a/g) B2c2|d2dc Bc| gfed (c/4d/4c/)B|A2d2F2|1G4 Bd:|2G4D2||:{c}BA G2B2|B2B4| {c}BA G2c2|c6|{d}cBAG FA|fd f2f2|{g}fe d>cBA| GB g2g2|{c}BAGD B2|B4 {c}Bc|{c}BA G2c2|c4cd| {d}cBAG AA|Ad ffff|{g}fedcBA|1G4D2:|2G2 B2c2|| |:d4g2 |d2^c2d2|e4c'2|e2a2g2|f4g2|f4e2| d4d2|d2B2c2|d4g2 |d2^c2d2|e4c'2|e4g2| f4d'2|c'4 (a/b/a)|g6-|g2B2c2:|