Mrs. MacInroy of Lude (3)
Mrs. MacInroy of Lude (3): Annotations
X:1 T:Mrs. McInroy, Lude's Reel M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel N:The volume was dedicated to the Highland Society of Scotland B:Duncan McKercher – A Collection of Original Stathspeys and Reels (Edinburgh, c. 1830, p. 8) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Emin F|:E2 ec (dc)BA|(BE)(cE) (dE)(BE)|GABc dcBA|dD D/D/D FGAF| E2 ec (dc)BA|Bcde fded|fedc dcBA|dD D/D/D FGAF:| |:TB2 ef gfed|eBgB aBfb|Beef agfe|dD D/D/D FGAF| B2 ef gfed|Bcde fded|fedc dcBA|dD D/D/D FGAF:||
Mrs. MacInroy of Lude (3): Annotations