Musings of an Old Bachelor
Musings of an Old Bachelor: Annotations
X:1 T:Musings of an Old Bachelor M:C L:1/8 R:Hornpipe S:William Sidney Mount manuscript, dated Sept. 21, 1845 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:E Dorian B, | (E>F)(G>A) (B>c)(d>e) | d>BA>F D>EF>D | (E>F)(G>A) (B>c)(d>e) |d>BA>F E/E/E E2 :| |: B | e>fg>f e>dB>d | A>FA>B AF A2 | e>fg>f edBd | B>Ad>F E/E/E2 :| |: B, | EFGA BAGB | DB,DE DB, D2 | EFGA BAGB | AFDF E/E/E E2 :| |:B | e>fg>a b>ag>b | a>gf>a f>ed>f | e>fg>a b>ag>b | afdf e/e/e e2 :|
Musings of an Old Bachelor: Annotations