My Bonny Brunette (1)
My Bonny Brunette (1): Annotations
X:1 T:My Bonny Brunette [1] T:Ho rò mo nighean don bhòidheach L:1/8 M:C S:Fraser - Airs and Melodies Peculiar to the Highlands of Scotland and the Isles (1816) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G c|B>AG>F [G,2E2] E>F|G>AB>^c dBBg/f/|eBB^G (A2 A)B/c/| B>AG>F [G,3E3] c|B>AG>F [G,2E2] E>F|G>AB>^c dBBg/f/| eBB^G (A2 A)B/c/|B>AG>F [G,3E3]:||:B|e>f g>f eBB~^d| ef/g/ f>^d e2 ^dc|B>GA>G g>fef/g/|eBB^G A2 AB/c/| B>AG>F [G,3E3] F|G>AB>^c dBBg/f/|eBB^G A2 AB/c/|B>AG>F [G,3E3]:|
My Bonny Brunette (1): Annotations