Natchez Under the Hill (1)
X:1 T:Natchez on the Hill [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:George P. Knauff - Virginia Reels N:Published in Baltimore by Geo. Willig n.d. (1839) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A A/E/c/A/ E/C/A/E/ | C/A,/E/C/ A,A/B/ | [Ec][Ec] (c/B/A/B/) | [Ac][EGB] [EGB]E | {E}Ac/A/ EA/E/ | CE/C/ A,e | a/g/a/e/ f/e/c | e/c/B/c/ Az || c/e/e/f/ e/c/B/A/ | c/e/e/f/ ee | {g}f/e/f/g/ a/g/f/e/ | e/f/f/g/ fg | [c2a2] e/a/c | [Ac]B/A/ BA/B/ | [Ac][Ac] c/B/A/F/ | E/A/A/B/ A z ||
X:2 T:Natchez on the Hill [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:George P. Knauff - Virginia Reels N:Published in Baltimore by Geo. Willig n.d. (1825-1829?) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A A/E/c/A/ E/C/A/E/|C/A,/E/C/ A,A/B/|[Ec][Ec] (c/B/A/B/)|cB BE| {E}Ac/A/ EA/E/|CE/C/ A,e|a/g/a/e/ f/e/c|e/c/B/c/ A z :|| c/e/e/f/ e/c/B/A/|c/e/e/f/ ee|{g}f/e/f/g/ a/g/f/e/|c/f/f/g/ fg| [c2a2] e/a/c|cB/A/ BA/B/|cc c/B/A/F/|E/A/A/B/AA| c/e/e/f/ e/c/B/A/|c/e/e/f/ ee|{g}f/e/f/g/ a/g/f/e/|c/f/f/g/ fg| [c2a2] e/a/c|[ce]B/A/ BA/B/|cc c/B/A/F/|E/A/A/B/ A z||
X:3 T:Natchez Under the Hill [1] M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:Mrs. John Hunter (Richmond, Virginia, "who was one of the first in that S:state to write down these old tunes "for posterity"." B:Chase - American Folk Tales and Songs (1956, p. 208) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A E2|AEcA ECAE|CA,EC A,2 AB|c2c2 cBAB|c2B2B2E2| A2 cA E2 AE|C2 EC A,2 e2|afec ABdf|ecBE A2:| |:E2|ceef ecBA|ceef e2e2|{g}fefg agfe|cffg f2f2| a4 ea c2|c2 BA B2 AB|c2c2 cBAF|EAAB A2:|]