Nelson's Chase
X:1 T:Nelson’s Chase M:2/4 L:1/8 N:The tune may be the Finale of the “Howard Sett” of quadrilles. N:”All han(d)s to the left” is penciled at the end of the tune, indicating N:its purpose as a dance tune. N:The tune is an early version of "Silver Spire" S:Isaac Homan manuscript (mid-19th century, Long Island, NY) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D A,|DF/E/ D/F/A/c/|d/c/d/f/ e/c/A/F/|G/B/E/G/ F/A/D/F/|1G/F/E/D/ C/E/A,/E/:|2 E/D/C/E/ D|| A,|A,/B,/C/D/ E/F/G/E/|F/D/E/F/ G/A/B/c/|d/c/d/B/ c/d/e/f/|g/f/g/e/ d/c/B/A/| d/e/f/d/ c/e/A/c/|d/c/d/B/ A/F/D/F/|G/B/D/G/ F/A/D/F/|E/D/C/E/ D:|]