Oh what shall I do my love is going to be wed
Oh what shall I do my love is going to be wed: Annotations
X:1 T:Oh what shall I do, my love is going to be wed M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air N:"Andante" S:Stanford/Petrie (1905), No. 762 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Fmix BG | F2 B2 AF | G2F2 GB | c2G2F2 | G2e2 dB | c4 BG | F2B2 AB | G2F2 (3GAB | c2d2 cA | G2F2F2 | F4 || |: e2 | dc Bcde | {d}f4 ed | c2G2F2 | G2e2 dB | c4 BG | F2B2 AB | G2 F>GAB | c2d2 cA | G2F2F2 | F4 :|
Oh what shall I do my love is going to be wed: Annotations