Oh whiskey heart of souls (1)
Oh whiskey heart of souls (1): Annotations
X:1 T:Oh, whiskey, heart of souls T:A h-Uiscidhe Chroidhe na N-Anmann L:1/8 M:6/8 N:"With Spirit" K:Amix E|A2A B2G|A2B c2e|e2c d2B|A2G E2G| A2A B2G|A2B c2d|e2Bd2B A3A2|| c|e2d e2f|g2g f2f|e2d B2A|A2G E2G| A2A B2G|A2B c2d|e2B d2B|A3 A2||
Oh whiskey heart of souls (1): Annotations