Peacock's Set of Quadrilles (5) (The)
X:1 T:Peacock's Set of Quadrilles (5) (The) M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Quadrille S:Colette Moloney, Ed – “The Boss Murphy Musical Legacy", S:Churchtown Village Renewal Trust (2003, p.63, No.142) K:GMaj d|g2 d d^cd|B2 G GFG|ABc DEF|GAB Bcd| g2 d d^cd|B2 G GFG|ABc DEF|G2 B G2:|| B||:ede gfg|b2 bag|bag gfg|ede B3| ede gfg|b2 bag|bag gfg|[1 e3 def:||[2 e3 d2||