Quadrille (39)
X:1 T:Quadrille [39] T:Quadrille in 'A' and 'D' N:From the playing of George R. Pariseau (1868-1949, Huron County, Michigan), N:from a 1940's performance recording at Bad Axe, Michagan. Pariseau was N:the "thumb" of Michigan's leading dance fiddler in his day, according to Paul Gifford. N:Digital collections from the Genessee Historical Collections Ctr., D:https://digitalarchives.umflint.edu/digital/collection/p16210coll7/id/22/rec/16 D:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/quadrille-bb M:6/8 L:1/8 Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:A |:c'ae cde|fdB B2e|e'bg efd| cdB Ace| c'ae cde|fdB B2e |e'bg efg|1{b}a3 ace:|2a3 a2|| K:D A|:Aff f>ed|{e}d>cB A2A|Agg {a}gfe|dcB A2F| Aff f>ed|ggg {ga}g>fg|1a>gf eBc|ddd d2F:|2 agf edc|ddd d2e||