Rachel Rae
X:1 T:Raecheal Rea's [sic] M:C| L:1/8 R:Rant B:Archibald Duff – Collection of Strathspey Reels &c. (1794, p. 22) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D D2 FA d2 AF|d2 fd e2cA|d2 AF B2 GE|A,2 FE FDDE:| d2 df a2 fd|g2 bg e2cA|d2 df a2 fd|A2 fe fddf| d2df a2 fd|gbgb e2 cA|d2 AF B2 GE|A,2 GEFD D2||
X: 1 T:Rachel Ray Single Reel. BF13.022 M:2/2 L:1/8 Q:1/2=100 S:MS13,Browne family,c1825,Lake District R:.Reel O:England A:Lakes N:The suffix to the title begs the question, what then was a double N:reel?. CGP Z:vmp.Cherri Graebe. K:D Major F/2E/2|D2FAd2Ac|d2fde2cA|d2Ad BAGF|GBAG FDD:|! |:"^crot"A|d2dg fafd|g2bge2cA|d2dg fafd|Agfe fddA|! d2dg fafd|gbfa e2cA|d2Ad BAGF|GBAG FDD:|
X:1 T:Rachel Rae C:J. Lowe N:”This favourite Reel has been published in may collections, N:but none have subscribed the Author’s name: it was composed N:by Mr. Lowe’s father, many years ago, when he was teaching N:Dancing in Marykirk, Kincardineshire.” M:C L:1/8 R:Reel B: Joseph Lowe - Lowe's Collection of Reels, Strathspeys and Jigs, B:book 1 (1844–1845, p. 6) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D F|D2 FA {c}d2 AF|d2 fd {f}e2 cA|{c}d2 AF B2 GE|A,2 GE {G}F-DD:| A|d2 df a2 fd|g2 bg e2 cA|d2 df a2 fd|Bgfe fddA| defg fafd|g2 bg e2 cA|{c}d2 AF B2 GE|A,2 GE {G}F-DD||
X:20 T:Rachel Wray. Roose.0666 T:Rachel Rae,aka. Roose.0666 B:J.Roose MS, Manchester 1850 Z:Village Music Project 2019 Mike Hicken M:C L:1/8 N: NB There is a repeat sign here in the Ms. Q:1/4=140 K:D A,|D2 FA d2 Ad|dcdf fedc|d2 Ad BAGF|E2AG FDD:| "^NB"A|defg (f/g/a) fd|g2 bg e2 cA|defg (f/g/a) fd|egfe fddA| defg (f/g/a) fd|g2 bg e2 cA|d2 Ad BAGF|E2 AG FDD|]
X:1 T:Rachel Rae M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:Stewart-Robertson – The Athole Collection (1884) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D A, | D2FA d2Ac | d2fd fedc | d2Ad BAGF | E2AE FDD :| A | defg a2fd | g2bg e2cA | defg a2fd | Agfe fddA | defg fafd | g2bg eecA | D2Ad BAGF | E2 AD FDD ||