Rathsallagh Hornpipe
Rathsallagh Hornpipe: Annotations
X: 1 T: Rathsallagh Hornpipe M: 4/4 L: 1/8 C: © B. Black N: “We were recently at a family wedding in Ireland that was held at a N: place called Rathsallagh House in Co. Wicklow. Beautiful spot and N: the folks in charge couldn't have been nicer. This hornpipe was N: more or less the unofficial wedding tune - it sounded lovely in the N: church (which overlooked the infamous Dunlavin Green, peaceful N: enough now).” R: hornpipe K: D D2 | FGAB AFDF | Addc B2 Bc | defd efdB | Addc BAFE | FGAB AFDF | Addc d2 de | fagf edBG | Adce d2 :| de | fedf edce | dcAG A2 AB | =cGEG cedB | AFEF D2 de | fedf edce | defg a4 | bgaf (3efg dB | AFEF D2 :|
Rathsallagh Hornpipe: Annotations