Rattle the Bottles (2)
X:1 T:Rattle the Bottles [2] C:Trad., Irish S:Petrie's Collection of Strathspey Reels and Country Dances &c., 1790 Z:Steve Wyrick <sjwyrick'at'astound'dot'net>, 3/19/04 N:Petrie's First Collection, page 12 L:1/8 M:6/8 R:Jig K:D (A/B/4c/4)|d2d cBA | BAG FED | d>ed cBA | BAF ABc | dfd cec | {c}BAG TFEF | D/D/DD D/D/DD | (TBAF) E2 :| |: f | d2f a2f | b2g afd | d2 f/g/ afa | cea ecA | d3/2(e/f/g/ a)fa | bgb afa | gbf efd | ABc d2 :| |: A | FAD FAD | GBD GBD | FED AFD | EFD ECA, | FAD FAD | GBD GBd | cba gfe | ddd d2 :| |: f/g/ | afd afd | bag fge | dfg agf | edc BcA | FAd Ace | dfa dgb | agf gfe | d/d/dd d2 :|
X:66 T:T039- Rattle the Bottles [2] S:Brysson's Curious Collection (1791) Q:1/4=120 L:1/8 M:6/8 K:Edorian A/B/c/|d2d cBA|BAG FED|d3/2e/2d cBA|BAF ABc| dfd cec|{c/}BAG ~FEF|D/D/DD D/D/DD|~BAF E2::f| d2fa2f|b2g afd|dfg afa|cea ecA| d3/2(e/2f/2g/2 a)fa|bgb afa|gbg efd|cdcA2:|]