Rocky Pallet (1)

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 Theme code Index    5H3H6H6H 3H1H3H3H
 Also known as    Peas and Cornbread, Rocky Palace, Possum and Taters
 Composer/Core Source    Biography:Skillet Lickers
 Region    United States
 Genre/Style    Old-Time
 Meter/Rhythm    Reel (single/double)
 Key/Tonic of    C
 Accidental    NONE
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    2/2
 History    USA(Piedmont)
 Structure    AABC, AABCC
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:Alan Kaufman
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Beginning Old TIme Fiddle
 Tune and/or Page number    p. 70
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1977
 Artist    Biography:The Skillet Lickers
 Title of recording    Rocky Pallet/Hell's broke loose in Georgia
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    Columbia 15516-D (78 RPM)
 Year recorded    1929
 Score   (1)   

X:1 T:Rocky Pallet [1] S:The Skillet Lickers (1929) M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D:Columbia 15516-D (78 RPM), Gid Tanner and His Skillet Lickers (1929) D:Document DOCD 8059, The Skillet Lickers vol. 4 F: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:C g4-|g2eg abag|e [c2e2]d efee|dedc Ac3|+slide+[e3e3]e [e2e2]g2-| g2eg abag|e [c2e2]d efee|dedc AcB2|c3c c2:| GF|EC2C C2[E2c2]-|[Ec]ceg|e2c2dedc|[M:2/4]A[c3e3]|[M:C|][e3e3][ee][e2e2]GF| EC2C C2[E2c2]-|[Ec]ceg e2c2|dedc AdcB|c3c c2|| GF|EC2 [CE][C2E2]CE|FEFG ABcA|[C2E2]CE GECE|[B,D]CDB, G,2(3G,A,B,| CEGE CECE|F2FG ABcA|GABA BcdB|c3c c2||

X:1 T:Rocky Palace T:Rocky Pallet [1] N:From the playing of fiddler Earl Johnson (north Georgia) M:C| L:1/8 D:Victor V-40304 (78 RPM) , Earl Johnson and His Dixie Enertainers (1930, D:recorded Atlanta, Ga., Nov., 1929) D: D:Document DOCD 8006, "Earl Johnson vol.2 1927-1931" (1997) D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:C (ef|Sg2)eg abag|ec-cd e3d |edcB Ac2d-|e3g e2(ef| g2)eg abag|ec-cd e3d|edcB A3B|c3d c2(ef| g2) g^g abag|eccd eded|cedc Accd|e3f e2ef| g2^g2 abag|eccd e2 fe| edcA A2B2|c3d c2|| [G2A2]-|[AA]c-cd c2ef|gfga gecd | e2dc A2 cd|e3 f e2| [G2A2]-| [AA]Bcd c2ef|gfga gecc |dcdc A2 AB|c2 c4[G2A2]-| [AA]Bcd cdce|^fgfg ecc^c|dedc A-Bcd|e2 ef e2 cB| ABcd c2f2-|fgfc Accc|dedc BGAB|[E2c2][E4c4]|| D2|:[C2E2][C2E2][CE]D[CE]D|D[CE]-[CE]F [CF]GFE|DB,-B,G- GAGE|1DF[CE]D C2GF:|2 DF[CE]D CcdeS||

X:1 T:Rocky Pallet [1] L:1/8 M:C| S:Jay Ungar Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:C (g2|g2) eg (ab)ag|e c2 (^d e)gec|dedc A c3|(e3 [eg] e2) (g2| g2) eg abag|e c2 (^d e)gec|dedc A B3|c3d c2:| |GF|E [C2E2] (D [C2E2]) c(e|e)efg e2c2|dedc A c3|(e3 [eg] e2) GF| E [C2E2] (D [C2E2]) c(e|e)efg e2c2|dedc A B3|(c3 d) c2|| |:(3G,A,B,|(CB,)CE (GE)CE|(FD)FG (AB)cA|(CB,)CE (GE)CG,|(B,C)DB, G,2 (3G,A,B,| (CB,)CE (GE)CE|(FE)FG (AB)cA|(GA)cA (Bc)dB|(c3d) c2:|]