Scots came over the Border (The)
X:1 T:Scots came over the Border, The T:Jockey's a traytor T:Blue bonnets over the border M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:William Vickers music manuscript collection (1770, Northumberland, p. 7) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A a|ecA AGF|EAc B2A|dBB B2A|def f2a| ecA AGF|EAc G2A|def efg|(fg/a/) c B2:| |:A|cAA eAA|aAA edc|dBB fBB|bBB fed| cAA eAA|aAA edc|def efg|(fg/a/) c B2:|]