Sheep Shell Corn by the Rattling of His Horn
X:1 T: Sheep Shell Corn by the Rattling of His Horn S: Emmett Lundy (1864-1953, Galax, Va.) M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel N:1941 field recording by Alan Lomax, Joe Liss & Jerome Wiesner from the N:playing of Emmett Lundy (fid.), Kelly Lundy (gtr.) & Joe Liss (bj.) D:Library of Congress AFS 04947 B01, Emmett Lundy (1941) D:String Records STR802, Emmett W. Lundy - "Fiddle Tunes from D:Grayson County, Va." (1977). F: Z:Transribed by Andrew Kuntz K:A c-|e2cc e2cc-|BABc (d[d2f2])(f|e)ccc eccc|BABc A3:| K:D (A|d)dfd edee|dd[d2f2] {f}[d3g3]g|fdfd ecec|BAB-c A3(A| d)dfd edee|dd[d2f2] {f}[d3g3]g|fgaf- e2ce| BAcB A2||
X:1 T:Sheep Sheel Corn by the Rattle of His Horn S:George Mert Reves (Oklahoma) M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel N:AEae tuning (fiddle) F: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:A Bd[e2e2] [e2e2][ee]d|Bd[e2e2][e3e3]d|eddB [G2B2]|Bde2 edGA| Bd [e2e2][e2e2][ee]d|Bd[e2e2][e2e2]ef|gfec BdA=G|ED [A2A2][A2A2][A2A2]:|
X:1 T:Sheep Shell Corn by the Rattling of his Horn L:1/8 M:2/4 B:Kuntz – Ragged but Right (1987) K:A (e|e/)f/e/d/ c/B/A/c/|B/A/B/c/ d(e|e/)f/e/d/ c/B/A/c/|B/A/B/c/ A:| K:D |:(3A/B/c/|df e/d/B/A/|d/e/f g(3A/B/c/|df e/d/B/A/|B/A/B/c/ A:| K:A (e|e/)c/c/c/ e/c/c/c/|B/A/B/c/ d(e|e/)c/c/c/ e/c/c/c/|B/A/B/c/ A(e| e/)(A/c/)(e/ e/)(A/c/)(A/|B/)A/B/(c/ d)(e|e/)(A/c/)(e/ e/)(A/c/)(A/|\ B/)A/B/c/ A(3A/B/c/|| K:D d/d/f/d/ e/(d/B/A/)|d/e/f/(f/ g)(3A/B/c/|d/d/f/d/ e/(d/c/A/)|B/A/B/(c/ A)(3A/B/c/| d/d/f/d/ e/(d/B/A/)|d/[df][d/f/] [dg]>(e|f/)(g/a/f/) ec/A/|B/A/B/(c/ A)||