Skiver the Quilt (1)
X:1 T:Skiver the Quilt (1) M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig N:The tune is in F major, but seriously flirts with G dorian. N:Parts are reversed from cognate tunes such as "The Legacy [2]." B:R.M. Levey - Dance Music of Ireland, vol. 1 (1858, No. 72) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F (A/c/)|d3 dcA|c3 cAc|d3 dcA|cAG G2 A/c/| d3 dcA |cdc cde|f3 dfd |cAG G2:| |:A|F3 AFA|f3 fga|F3 AFA cAG G2A| FGF AFA|f2f|gfe dfd|cAG G2:|