Softly Robin
X: 1 T:Softly Robin. PFD3.062 B:Playford, Dancing Master Vol 3, 2nd Ed, c1726 Z:village music project Ruairidh Greig 2015 M:C| L:1/4 Q:1/4=160 K:G GGB2|AAce|GGB2|ddeg|| g/f/e/d/ B/c/d/B/|AAce|g/f/e/d/ B/c/d/B/|ddeg| g/f/e/d/ B/c/d/B/|AAce|GGB2|ddeg|] W:Each strain twice over W:The first Man turn his Partner half round, then making a little stop, turn her into her own W:place.| The two Men and the two Women turn one another half round, making a little stop, and W:turn into your own places:| The first and 2d Man double Figure on the Womens side, and turn one W:another 'till in your own places; then the first Man cast off.| Then the Women double Figure on W:the Men's side and turn 'till in your own places; then the first Woman cast down. W: %
T:Softly Robin
|:gfed BcdB|A2A2c2e2|gfed BcdB|d2d2e2g2|
gfed BcdB|A2A2c2e2|G2G2B4|d2d2e2g2:|