Steg Knetter'd at the Sneck Band
X: 1 T:Steg knetter'd at the Sneck band. JJo3.159 T:Scarborough Whim,aka. JJ0159 B:J.Johnson Choice Collection Vol 3 1744 Z:vmp.Steve Mansfield 2014 N:Thought to translate in dialect as "t'Gander Clattered at the Latch String" ! M:6/8 L:1/8 N:Final repeat inserted editorially Q:3/8=120 W:1st couple hey contrary sides .| then on their own; :|1st man set to W:2d wo. and turn .:|1st wo. set to 2d man and turn, 1st and 2d co. W:right hands quite round, and foot .|, then left and foot :|, 1st man W:and 2d wo. lead out and foot, 1st wo. and 2d man the same at the same W:time, and turn partners, .:|1st co. cross over and half figure. F: d3 BGB | c3 A3 | BGB dBd | gdc BAG |cec B3 | AFA c3 | BdB AFD | G3 G,3 :| |:b3 dgb | a2A dfa | gfg eag | fed "sic"D2=f |ece a3 | dBd gdc | BGB AFD | G3 G,3 "*":|
X:1 T:Steg Knetter'd at the Sneck Band. A Dance. M:6/8 L:1/8 B:Sylvanus Urban – The Gentleman’s Magazine vol. XXIII, June, 1753, p. 288. F: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G d3 BGB|c3A3|BGB dBd|gdc BAG|cec B3|AFA c3|BdB AFD|G3 G,3:| |:b3 dgb|a2A dfa|gfg eag|fed D2=f|ece a3|dBd gdc|BGB AFD|G3,G,3:|]