Sun from the East (The)
Sun from the East (The): annotations
X:1 % T:Sun from the east, The M:3/4 L:1/8 S:Henry Livingston’s music manuscript copybook (before 1787) K:C G2|c2G2c2|e4 dc|d2G2d2|f4 ed|e2 cd ef|g2 fe dc| dB G2F2|(F E3) GG|c2e2dc|{e}d2 (cB) (AG)|c3e (dc)|{c}B4 GG| (AB)c2 (BA)|(Bc) d2 e^f|g2 (dc) (BA)|G4 dd|d2 (cB) AG|d3e f2| e2 (dc) (BA)|e4 e2|a2 (ed) (cB)|c B A B c A|d e f e d c| B A G A B G |c B c e f|g3 f e2|f2e2d2|c4||
X:1 % T:Sun from the east, The M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air S:John Rook music manuscript collection (1840, p. 32) N:Rook was a multi-instrumentalist from Waverton, near Wigton, Cumbria Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:C G2|c2G2c2|e4 dc|d2G2d2|f4 ed|e2 cdef|g2 fedc| DB G2F2|F2E2G2|c2e2 dc|{e}d2 (cB)(AG)|c3 edc| B4 GG|A<B c2 BA|Bc d2 e^f|g2 dcBA|G4 dd| d2 cBAG|d3e f2|e2 dcBA|e4 e2|a2 edcB| Bc d2 e^f|g2 dcBA|G4 dd|d2 cBAG|d3 e f2| e2 dcBA|e4 e2|a2 edcB|cBABcA|defedc| BAGABG|cBcdef|g3f e2|f2e2d2|c4||