Sweet Richard
X: 1 T: Sweet Richard T: Longways for as many as will. %R: reel, march B: Daniel Wright "Wright's Compleat Collection of Celebrated Country Dances" 1740 p.19 S: http://library.efdss.org/cgi-bin/dancebooks.cgi Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu> M: C| L: 1/8 F:http://www.john-chambers.us/~jc/music/book/DanielWright/CCCCD.abc K: G % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [|\ D2G2 G2AG | F2 A4 BA |G2AB cBAG | B2 d4 c2 | B3c d2e2 | d2c2 B4 |cBAG FGAF | G4 G,4 |]| g2g2 g2ag | f3e defg |a2g2 f2e2 | f2 d4 cB | c2 e4 dc | B2 d4 cB |cdBc ABGA | F2 d4 c2 | B3c d2e2 | d2c2 B4 |cBAG FGAF | G4 G,4 |] % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - %%begintext align %% The 1st Cu. lead thro' the 2d Cu. & sett in the 2d Cu. %% Place, cast up & cast off .| 2d Cu. do the same :| The %% 1st Man change Place with 2d Wo. & stand still, & %% their Partners change. The two Men cast round %% the two Wo. into their Places & turn, the Wo. %% lead between the two Men & turn at the same time .| %% The 1st Cu. lead thro' the 3d Cu. & thro' the 2d Cu. %% Right & left quite round with the 2d Cu. and turn %%endtext % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - %%sep 2 4 300
X: 1 T:Sweet Richard. JJo1.023 B:J.Johnson Choice Collection Vol 1 after c1750? Z:vmp. Anne Wride 2015. www.village-music-project.org.uk M:2/4 Q:1/4=105 L:1/16 F:http://www.cpartington.plus.com/Links/Johnson/Johnson%20Vol1(Jan17).abc K:G G2 | D2G2 G2AB | TA2F2 A2Bc | TB4A2G2| TF2d2d2c2 | TB3c d2ed | c2dc TB2AB | cBAG TF3G | G6 :| |:g2 |d2g2 g2ab | agfe d2ef | e2a2 A2B^c| d2D2 d2e=f | e2c2 -c2de | d2 TB4 cd | c2B2 TA2G2 | F2d2 - d2c2 | TB3c d2ed | c2dc B2AB | cBAG TF3G | G6 :| W:The 1st Cu. lead thro' the 2d Cu. & sett in the 2d Cu. Place, cast up & cast off W:2d Cu. do the same W:The 1st Man change Place with 2d Wo. & stand still, & their Partners change. W:The two Men cast round the two Wo. into their Places & turn, the Wo. lead between the two Men & turn at the same time W:The 1st Cu. lead thro' the 3d Cu. & thro' the 2d Cu. W:Right & left quite round with the 2d Cu. and turn
X: 1 T:Sweet Richard. WCl.07 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:240 S:William Clarke MS,Lincoln,1770. R:Country Dance. O:Lincoln A:England Z:vmp.Barry Callaghan F:http://www.john-chambers.us/~jc/music/abc/England/reel/Sweet_Richard_WCl_07_1.abc K:G DG- GF/2E/2|FA- AG/2F/2|GB- BA/2G/2|AB c2| B-cdB|cABG|EAGF|G2 [G,2G2] ||! gggg|ffff|eeee|dddd|gggg|ffff|eeee|d2 d2|! ec e2|dB d2|cBAG| Bc d2| B-cdB|EAGF|G2 [G,2G2] ||
X:2 T:Sweet Richard M:C L:1/8 B:Thompson’s Compleat Collection of 200 Favourite Country Dances, vol. 3 (London, 1773) Z:Transcribed and edited by Fynn Titford-Mock, 2007 Z:abc’s:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G D(G G)F/E/ F(B B)A/G/ AB c2|B>cdB cABG|EAGF G[DB][B,d][G,g]:| |:gggg ffff|eeee dd d2|gggg ffff|eeee d2d2| ec e2 dB d2|cBAG Bc d2|BcdB cABG|EAGF G[DG][B,d][G,g]:||
X:3 T:Sweet Richard O:”A Welch Tune” M:C| L:1/8 R:Air B:James Aird – Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. 3 (Glasgow, 1788, No. 574, p. 219) N:”Humbly dedicated to the Volunteers and Defensive Bands of Great Britain and Ireland” Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G D|DG GF/E/ FG A2|G2 BG AB c2|B>c dB cBAG|EAGF G2G:| |:d|g2gg f2 ff|efge e2-d2|g2 bg f2af|efge {e}d4| ec e2 dBd2|cBAG Bc d2|B2 dB cBAG|EAGF G2G:|]
X:1 T:Sweet Richard (Old Welch) M:C L:1/8 R:Country Dance Q:"Allegro" B:Thomas Wilson - A Companion to the Ball Room (London, 1816, p. 103) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G D|DG GF/E/ FG A2|GABG AB c2|B>cdB cBAG|EAGF G2G:| |:d|g2 gg f2 ff|efge e2d2|g2 bg f2 af|efge e2d2:| |:ec e2 dBd2|cBAG Bc d2|bcdB cBAG|EAGF G2 G:|]
X:210 T:Sweet Richard O:No 210 Page 103 William Clarke of Feltwell Z:Transcribed by David Dolby 2010 M:2/4 L:1/8 K:G D>GG>E|F>GA>F|G>AB>G|A>Bc>A|B>cd>B|c>BA>G|F>DE>F|G2G2:| |:g2ge|f2fd|e2ec|d2d2|g2ge|f2fd|e>ge>c|d2d2| ece2|Bd2|c>BA>G|FGA2|B2BG|cBAG|FDEF|G2G2:|
X:1 T:Sweet Richard M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel K:G DG GA/G/|F(A A)B/A/|GA/B/ c/B/A/G/|B(d d)c|B>c de| dc B2|c/B/A/G/ F/G/A/F/|G2G2:||:gg ga/g/|f>e d/e/f/g/| agfe|f(d d)c/B/|c(e e)B/A/|B(d d)B|c/d/B/c/ A/B/G/A/| F(d d)c|B>c de|dc B2|c/B/A/G/ F/G/A/F/|G2G2:||