Tolka Polka
X:1 T:Tolka Polka C:Donal Lunny M:2/4 L:1/16 K:Ador A3B c2g2|d2e2 c2A2|BcBA G2d2|A2B2 G2E2|\ A3B c2g2|d2e2 c2A2|BcBA G2d2|1 B2A2 edc2:|2 B2A2 A2z2|: d3e f2a2|g2a2 f2d2|gedc B2dc|BAG2 BAGB|:\ A3B c2g2|d2e2 c2A2|BcBA G2d2|B2A2 A2z2:| e3f g2f2|d2e2 efg2|f2d2 fgfe|d2c2 B2d2 |\ dcB2 c2g2|d2e2 c2A2|BcBA G2d2|1 B2A2 A2z2:|2 B2A2 edc2|| "And on the recording, the last time through they take the rhythmic hiccup that starts on beat two of the fourth bar of the third section and drop in into the appropriate places in the first two sections, so what you get is" |:A3B c2g2|d2e2 c2A2|BcBA G2d2|A2B2 G2d2 |\ dcB2 c2g2|d2e2 c2A2|BcBA G2d2|B2A2 A2z2:: d3e f2a2|g2a2 f2d2|gedc B2dc|BAG2 Bcd2 |\ dcB2 c2g2|d2e2 c2A2|BcBA G2d2|B2A2 A2z2:|