Twine weel the Plaiden
X:1 T:Twine weel the plaiden T:Lassie Lost her Silken Snood (1) (The) M:C L:1/8 R:Air B:Manson – Hamilton’s Universal Tune Book vol. 2 (1854, p. 111) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Eb (E/F/)GB (GF/E/) (FG/)B/ c>c|B>c B(A/G/) (B>G) E(E/F/)|G(G/B/) GF/E/ (FG/B/) c>c| B>c (B/>c/e/)G/ (B>G)E::(B/c/4d/4)|e>f e(d/c/) d(c/B/) B(c/d/)|(e>f) e(d/c/) (f>d) B(c/d/)| e(e/f/) e(d/c/) cB !fermata!g>(f/2e/4)|(e>c) (c/B/)(e/>G/) F2E:|]
X:1 T:Twine weel the Plaiden B:Scots Musical Museum, vol I, 1787, no 31 N:Roud 8522 N:The grace notes in the final bar should be attached *after* the E rather than *before* the D, but current abc doesn't seem to allow this. L:1/8 Z:Malcolm Douglas (Mudcat 01.25.05) Q:1/4=100 M:4/4 K:D (D/E/)|F A {G}F (E/D/) E(F/A/) B3/2 B/|A3/2 B/ {B}A (G/F/) {F}A2 D D/E/| w:O!_ I hae lost my_ sil-ken_ snood, That tied my hair sae_ yel-low, I-'ve F (F/G/) {G}F E/ D/ E (F/A/) B3/2 B/|A3/2 B/ (A/B/d/F/) {F}A2 D (A/B/4c/4)| w:gi'en my_ heart tae the lad I_ loo'ed; he was a gal_lant_ fel-low. And__ d3/2 e/ d (c/B/) {d}c(B/A/) A (B/c/)|d3/2 e/ {e}d (c/B/) {B}e2 A (B/c/)| w:twine it weel, my_ bon-ny_ dow, And_ twine it weel, the_ plai-den; The_ d (d/e/) {e}d (c/B/) {c}BA Hf (e/d/)|d3/2B/ (B/A/) (d/F/) TE2 {DE}D2|] w:las-sie_ lost her_ silk-en snood, In_ pu-ing of_ the_ brack-en.
X: 1 T: TWINE WEEL THE PLAIDEN O: 1806 B: "Caledonian Musical Repository", 1806, p.146-148 F: Z: 2013 John Chambers <> %%maxshrink 0.1 M: C L: 1/16 F: c K: D % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (DE) | F2 A2 {G}F2 (ED) E2 (FA) B3 B | w: O* I hae lost my* silk-en* snood, That A3 B {B}A2 (GF) {F}A4 D2 (DE) | F2 (FA) {G}F2 E D w: tied my hair sae* yel-low; I've* gien my* heart to the %page 147 E2 (FA) B3 B | A3 B (ABd) F {F}A4 D2 |] w: lad I* lo'ed, He was a gal-**lant fel-low. (AB/c/) | d3 e d2 (cB) {d}c2 (BA) A2 (Bc) | w: And** twine it weel, my* bon-ny* dow, And* d3 e {e}d2 (cB) {B}e4 A2 (Bc) | d2 (de) {e}d2 (cB) w: twine it weel, the* plaid-en; The* las-sie* lost her* {c}B2 A2 Hf2 (fe) | d3 B (BA) (dF) TE4 {DE} D2 |] w: silk-en snood, In* pu'-ing o'* the* brack-en. % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W: He prais'd my een sae bonny blue, W: Sae lily-white my skin, O, W: And syne he pried my bonny mou', W: And swore it was nae sin, O. W: And twine, &c. %page 148 W: W: But he has left the lass he lo'ed, W: His ain true-love forsaken, W: Which gars me sair to greet the snood W: I lost amang the bracken. W: And twine, &c. % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -