Vain Promise
X: 1 T:Vain Promise. PFD2.099 B:Playford's Dancing Master, Vol 2, 1713-28 Z:vmp.Chris Partington 2015 M:3/2 L:1/4 Q:1/2=100 W:The 1st Cu cross over and figure round the 2d Cu, W:then cross over the 3d Cu and figure through W:This to the first strain play'd twice W:Then lead up above the 2d Cu, and cast off into the 2d Cu place W:then back to back and turn your partner W:This to the second strain play'd once K:C (E/F/)G cG AF|(E/F/)G cG AF|(E/F/)G (A/B/)c Ad|B3 A GF| (E/F/)G cG AF|(E/F/)G cG AF|(E/F/)G (A/B/)(c/A/) (B/c/)(d/B/)|c3 G EC|| (B/c/)d gd ec|(B/c/)d gd ec|d(c/B/) AB cd|B3 A Gg| e(e/f/) ge af|e(e/f/) ge af|g(f/e/) de fg|e3 d c2|]
X: 1
T:Vain Promise. JW6.117
Z:vmp.Peter Dunk.2011.from a transcription by Paul Dennant
S:John Walsh Jr. The Compleat Country Dancing Master.Vol 6 1756
(EF) G2c2G2A2F2|(EF)G2c2G2A2F2|(EF) G2 (AB) c2A2d2|B6 A2G2F2|
(EF) G2c2G2A2F2|(EF) G2c2G2A2F2|(EF) G2 ABcA BcdB|c6 G2E2C2||
(Bc) d2g2d2e2c2|(Bc) d2g2d2e2c2|d2 (cB) A2B2c2d2|B6 A2G2g2|
e2 (ef) g2e2a2f2|e2(ef) g2e2a2f2|g2 (fe) d2e2f2g2|e6 d2 c4|]