Warlock's Strathspey
X:1 T:Warlocks, The C:Robert Lowe M:C L:1/16 R:Strathspey B: Joseph Lowe - Lowe's Collection of Reels, Strathspeys and Jigs, B:book 4 (1844–1845, p. 15) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Emin e|BE3G3F E4 E2FG|Ad3A3F D4 Dd3|BE3G3F E3B e3f|g3e gfe^d e2e:| B|e3gB3g eB3 ge3|f3ad3a fd3 fgaf|e3gB3g e2B2 g3e|d3BAF3 E4 EB| e3gB3g eB3 g3e|fa3da3 fd3 fgaf|eg3f3e d3BAF3|GB3AF3 E4 E2||
X: 1 T:The Warlocks S:Sandy MacIntyre A:Cape Breton R:Strathspey M:4/4 K:Em e|:B<E{E}G>F E2 E/F/G| A>B{B}A>F D2 D/E/F|G>EF>D E<ee>f| g>e f/e/d {B}e2 ed:| B| e/f/g B>g e<Bg>e| f/g/a d>a f<da>f| e/f/g B>g e<Bg>e |d>BA>F E2 EB| e/f/g B>g e<Bg>e| f<a d>a f<da>f| e>gf>e d>BA>F|G>BA>F E2 E||