Way to Warrington (The)
X:1 T:Way to Warrington, The M:9/8 L:1/8 B:David Young – “A Collection of Scotch Airs with the latest Variations Book II” B:AKA - The McFarlane Manuscript (c. 1741, No. 147, p. 204) F: https://rmacd.com/music/macfarlane-manuscript/collection/pdfs/the_way_to_warrington.pdf N:The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland K:FLydian F2f f>ge f3|cAF F2G ABc|G2g g>a^f g3|dBG G2A B>cd| F2f f>ge f3|cAF F2G A>Bc|ded cdc TB3|ABG G2A B>cd|ded cdc TB3| AcF F2G A>Bc|d>ed cdc TB3|GBG G2A B>cd|ded cdc TB3| (A/B/c)F F2G A>Bc|G3 D2G T^F>ED|G3D2G T^F>ED|A3 ^F2A cBA| G3 D2G T^F>ED|G3D2G BA^F|G3 D2G T^FED|A3 ^F2A cBA|dcB cBA BAG| dBG GAG Bcd|dcB cBA BAG|cAF FGF ABc|dcB cBA BAG| dBG GAG Bcd|dcB cBA BAG|cAF FGF ABc|G2g g>a^f g3|dBG G2A Bcd:|