Whilst the Lads of the Village
X:853 T:Whilst the Lads of the Village. Roose.0853 T:While the lads of the village shall merrily ah. B:J. Roose MS, Manchester 1850 Z:Village Music Project 2019 Eric Conrad C:"Dibdin" M:C Q:1/2=70 L:1/8 N: "While the lads of the village" was from N:Charles Dibdin's "The Quaker", first performed in 1775. N:NB1) This note seems to have been changed from C to E when the MS was being written. W:from "The Quaker" by Charles Dibdin (1745-1814). K:D |: d>e | f>ef>g a>Ad>B | A>GA>B A2fd | cBge dcaf | eg/f/e2 z2d>e | f>ef>g a>Ad>B | A>GA>B A2f2 | fe/f/ ^g/f/e/d/ c2!trill!B2 | A>aa>a a2 :| |: e2 | e>fe>d dcBA | BEe>d dcBA | BEe>d dcBA | f2f>f f2f>g | a>ba>g fedc | "_NB1"eAag gfed | eAag gfed | d2c>c c2d>e | f>ef>g a>Ad>B | A>GA>B Aafd | B>cd>e ebge | c>de>f fbaf | d>ef>g gd'bg | e>fg>a a>ba>g | gfed d2ec | ga/b/ ab/g/ fg/a/ gf | f/e/g/f/ a/g/f/e/ !trill!d2 c>e | d>d'd'>d' d'2 :|