Yes Kind Sir
X:1 T:Yes Kind Sir M:C| L:1/8 R:Air S:John Rook’s music manuscript collection (1840, Waverly, Cumbria, p. 19) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A A2|E4A4|BABc A2a2|fgaf ecBA|d2 B4c2| E4A4|BABc A2a2|fgaf edcB|c2 A4|| e2|fefg e2 ce|dcBA B2e2|fefg agfe|c2e4e2| fefg e2 ce|dcBA B4|c2e2 dcBA|c2 A4||
X:1 T:Yeas kind sir & I thank ye too M:C L:1/8 R:Air N:A flute setting? B:John Hall music manuscript collection (West Northumberland?, 1833) B: N:Nothing is known about John Hall, who may have been a wind instrument N:player from West Northumberland (per Matt Seattle, due to local titles). Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D (3afd|A2 F>A d3f|e>de>f d2 d'c'|b>c'd'b a>fe>d|g2e2e2 (3afd| A2 F>A d3f|e>de>f d2 d'c'|bc'd'b a>fe>d|f2d2d2:| |:a|b>ab>d' a2 f>a|bafd f2 d>a|babd' d'c'ba|f2a2a3a| babd' a2 fa|bafd e2 d>e|f>gf>d gfed|f2d2d2:|