Your Old Wig is the Love of My Heart
Your Old Wig is the Love of My Heart: Annotations
X:1 T:Your Old Wig is the Love of My Heart M:C L:1/8 R:Air N:”With spirit” S:Joyce – Old Irish Folk Music and Songs (1909), No. 690 Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Gdor D | DGGF GABc | d2d2 B3c | d2G2G2G2 | A2A2F3D | DGGF GABc |dedc B3c | d2G2 AGFA | G4 G3 || d | gfdc dfga | bc'ba g4 | g2d2 dcde |fgfe d3d | gfdc dfga | bc'ba g2f2 | d2 gb agfa | g4 g2 || ga | b2g2 a2f2 | g2 de f3e |fdcA Bcde | fdcA BAGF | D2G2 GABc | dedc B2c2 | d2G2 AGFA | G4 G3 ||
Your Old Wig is the Love of My Heart: Annotations