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College Hornpipe (The)

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 Theme code Index    1H115 31H1H3H
 Also known as    Duke William's Hornpipe, Jack's the Lad (1), Lancashire Hornpipe (1), Pitt's Hornpipe, Sailor's Hornpipe (1), McNeile's Hornpipe, Reel des matelots
 Composer/Core Source    
 Region    England, Scotland, Ireland, Canada, United States
 Genre/Style    Contra, English, Irish, Scottish
 Meter/Rhythm    Country Dance, Hornpipe/Clog
 Key/Tonic of    B
 Accidental    2 flats
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    4/4
 Structure    AABB
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:Charles & Samuel Thompson
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:First Book of 30 Favourite Hornpipes
 Tune and/or Page number    
 Year of publication/Date of MS    c. 1757
 Title of recording    
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    
 Year recorded    
The College Hornpipe

Played by: Mark O'Connor - New York
Source: Soundcloud
Image: Father Tuck's Mechanical Series (N. 2071)- Raphael Tuck & Sons , LTD
 Score   (1)   
The College Hornpipe

X:1 T:Colledge [sic] Hornpipe, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:Charles & Samuel Thompson – “First Book of 30 Favourite Hornpipe” (London, c. 1757) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bb (BA)|B2 B,4 FE|(DF) B4 (3dcB|c2C4 (cB)|Ac f2- f2 ga| bagf gfed|ecde BAGF|GBAc Bde|d2(B2B2):| |:(FE)|DFBF DFBF|G2E2-E2 (GF)|EGG eGcG|A2F2-F2 (ed)| ef g2-gfed|ecde BAGF|(3GAB (3ABc (3Bcd (3cde|d2B2-B2:|

X:1 T:Colledge Hornpipe [sic] M:C L:1/8 R:Hornpipe S:William Clark of Lincoln music manuscript collection (1770) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion N:Filed at The Traditional Tune Archive K:Bb V:1 clef=treble name="1." [V:1] BA|B2 B,4 FE|DF B4 (3dcB|c2C4 cB|Ac f4 ga| bagf gfed|ecde BAGF|GBAc Bdce|d2(B2B2):| |:FE|DFBF DFBF|G2E2 E2 GF|EGcG EGcG|A2F2F2 ed| ef (g2 g)fed|ecde BAGF|GBAc Bece|d2 (B2B2):|]

X:2 T:College Hornpipe, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:McGlashan - A Collection of Scots Measures (c. 1781, p. 33) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Bb V:1 clef=treble name="2." [V:1] BA|B2 B,4 FE|DF B4 (3dcB|c2 C4 cB|Ac f4 ga| bagf gfed|ecde BAGF|GBAc Bdce|d2 B4:| |:FE|DFBF DFBF|G2 E4 GF|EGcG EGcG|A2 F4 ed| e2 (3gab gfed|ecde BAGF|(3GAB (3ABc (3Bcd (3cde|d2 B4:|]

X:3 T:Colledge Hornpipe, The M:C L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:Robert Mackintosh – "A Fourth Collection of New Strathspey Reels, also some Famous old Reels" (1804, p. 7) N:Dedicated to the Dutchess [sic] of Manchester N:Robert "Red Rob" Mackintosh (c. 1745-1808) was a Scottish violinist and N:composer active in Edinburgh at the end of the 18th century. Originally from N:Tullymet, near Pitlochry, Perthshire. He moved to London in the last decade N:of his life. Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Bb V:1 clef=treble name="3." [V:1] dc|B2 B,4 FE|DF B4 (3dcB|c2C4 cB|Ac f4 ga| bagf gfed|edcB A2 GF|GBAc Bdce|[F2d2][D2F2B2][D2F2B2]:| |:FE|(DF)(BF) (DF)(BF)|[B,2G2][G,4E4]GF|=EGcG EGcG|[C2A2][A,4F4] ed| e2g2 gfed|edcB A2 GF|GBAc Bdce|[F2d2][D2F2B2][D2F2B2]:|]

X:4 T:Colledge Hornpipe M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe N:5th measure, 1st strain, missing in ms. S: Seth Johnson - Woburn Fife Manuscript (c. 1807-40?, p. 11) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C V:1 clef=treble name="4." [V:1] cc|c2C2C2 GF|EGc2 cd ec|d2D2D2 dc|cd g2 ga a2| f2 fa agfe|fdec cBAG|AcBd cedf|e2 c2c2:| |:GF|EGcG EGcG|A2F2F2 AF|FAdA FAdA|B2G2G2e2| f2 fa agfe|fedc B2 AG|AcBd cedf|e2c2c2:|]

X:5 T:Colledge Hornpipe M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Hornpipe S: Seth Johnson - Woburn Fife Manuscript (c. 1807-40?, p. 34) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G V:1 clef=treble name="5." [V:1] G/F/|GG, G,D/C/|B,D GB/A/|AA, A,A/G/|FA de/f/| g/f/e/d/ e/d/c/B/|c/B/A/G/ G/F/E/D/|E/G/F/A/ G/B/A/c/|BGG:| |:D/C/|B,/D/G/D/ B,/D/G/D/|EC CE/D/|C/E/A/E/ C/E/A/E/|FD DA/B/| c/B/c/d/ e/d/c/B/|c/B/A/G/ G/F/E/D/|E/G/F/A/ G/B/A/c/|BGG:|]

X:6 T:College Hornpipe. BHp.02 M:C L:1/8 R:.Hornpipe Z:vmp. Peter Dunk 2013/15 B:Blackman - A Selection of the most favorite Hornpipes for the Violin ca1810-22 Q:1/4=140 K:Bb V:1 clef=treble name="7." [V:1] (BA)|B2B,2B,2 (FE)|DF B2B2 (dB)|c2C2C2 cB|Ac f2f2 ga| bagf gfed|edcB BAGF|GBAc Bdce|d2B2B2:| |:FE|DFBF DFBF|G2E2E2(GF)|=EGcG EGcG|A2F2F2 ed| e2g2 gfed|edcB BAGF|GBAc Bdce|d2[B2D2][B2D2]:|

X:7 T:College Hornpipe, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe S:Colclough - Tutor for the Irish Union Pipes (c. 1830) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D V:1 clef=treble name="7." [V:1] (3gfe | d2D2D2 (AG) | FAdd d2 (3fed | e2E2E2 (AG) | FAdf a3f | gfga bagf | gfac dcBA | Bdce dfe{f}g | f2d2d2 :| |: (AG) | FAdA FAdA | B2G2G2 (ed) | (cd)(ed) cded | c2A2A2 df | gfga bagf | gfac dcBA | Bdce dfeg | f2d2d2 :||

X:8 T:College Hornpipe M:2/4 L:1/8 B:Oliver Ditson – The Boston Collection of Instrumental Music (c. 1850, p. 57) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C V:1 clef=treble name="8." [V:1] c/B/|cCC G/F/|E/G/(c c/)e/d/c/|dDD d/c/|A/d/g ga/b/| c’/b/a/g/ a/g/f/e/|f/e/d/c/ c/B/A/G/|A/c/B/d/ c/e/d/f/|ecc:| |:G/F/|E/G/c/G/ E/G/c/G/|AFF A/G/|^F/A/d/A/ F/A/d/A/|BGG c/B/| ca a/g/f/e/ f/e/d/c/ c/B/A/G/|A/c/B/d/ c/e/d/f/|ecc:|]

X:221 T:Collidge Hornpipe O:No 221 Page 109 William Clarke of Feltwell Z:Transcribed by David Dolby 2010 M:4/4 L:1/8 N:Bars A7 and B7 changed from quavers in M.s. to crotchets. N:Bars B4 and B5 changed from |B2G2G2e|fgagfe2| K:C cB|c2C2C2GF|EGc2c2d^c|d2D2D2dc|Bdg2g2ab| c'bag agfe|fdec cBAG|A2B2c2d2|e2c2c2:| |:GF|EGcG EGcG|A2F2F2E2|D2d2dedc|B2G2G2e2| fgagf2e2|fdec cBAG|A2B2c2d2|e2c2c2:|

X:9 T:College Hornpipe M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Hornpipe Q:"Moderate" S:M.E. Eames music manuscript book, frontispiece dated Aug. 22nd, 1859 (p. 39) S: http://archive.org/details/MEEamesBook N:Eames was perhaps from Philadelphia Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D V:1 clef=treble name="9." [V:1] (3edc|d2 D4 AG|FA d4 (3fed|e2E2E2 ed|ce a4 bc'| d'c'ba bagf|gefd dcBA|Bdce dfeg|f2d2d2|| AG|FAdA FAdA|B2G2G2 BA|^GBeB GBeB|c2A2A2 gf| g2b2 bagf|gefd dcBA|Bdce dfeg|f2d2d2||

X:10 T:College M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:Stewart-Robertson - The Athole Collection (1884) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Bb V:1 clef=treble name="10." [V:1] BA|B2 B,2 B,2 FE|DF B2 ~B2 dB|c2 C2 C2 cB|Ac f2 ~f2 ga| bagf gfed|edcB BAGF|GBAc Bdce|d2 B2 ~B2:| |:FE|DFBF DFBF|G2 E2 E2 GF|=EGcG EGcG|A2 F2 F2 ed| e2 g2 gfed|edcB BAGF|GBAc Bdce|d2 B2 B2:||

X:71 T:Collage Hornpipe. GHW.070 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/2=90 B:George H.Watson,MS,Swanton Abbott,Norfolk,c1890 R:.Hornpipe A:England; Norfolk N:First four quavers of 5th. bar of B music transcribed as (ba).g.f to N:match same phrase in A music Z:Village Music Project, Taz Tarry, 2000 K:Bb (BA)|B2B,2B,2(FE)|DFBA BdcB|c2C2C2 (cB)|(Ac) f2f2 (ga)| (ba).g.f (gf).e.d|(ed).c.B BAGF |GBAc Bdce|d2B2B2:| |:(FE)|(DF).B.F (DF).B.F|G2E2E2 GF|(=EG).c.G (=EG).c.G|A2F2F2 (ga)| "NB"(ba).g.f (gf).e.d|(ed).c.B (BA).G.F|GBAc Bdce|d2B2B2:|

X:11 T:College Hornpipe M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:A.S. Bowman – "J.W. Pepper Collection of Five Hundred Reels, Jigs, B:etc." (Phila., 1908, No. 25, p. 7) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D V:1 clef=treble name="11." [V:1] f/e/|dD DA/G/|F/A/d df/d/|eEE e/d/| c/A/c/e/ ab/c'/ d'/c'/b/a/ b/a/g/f/|g/f/e/d/ e/d/c/B/|A/d/c/e/ d/f/e/g/|fdd:| |:A/G/|F/A/d/A/ F/A/d/A/|BG GB/A/|^G/B/e/B/ G/B/e/B/|cAA .=g/.=f/| .g.b b/a/g/f/|g/f/e/d/ e/d/c/B/|A/d/c/e/ d/f/e/g/|fdd!fermata!:|]

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