John O'Connor
X:1 T:Plangsty Connor T:John O’Connor M:6/8 L:1/8 B: John Lee – “A Favourite Collection of the so much admired old B:Irish Tunes, the original and genuine compositions of Carolan” B:(Dublin, 1780, p. 27) F: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G G2G FED|E2F G2A|B2G c2A|B2G c2A| Bcd EFG|ABG FED|EFG AFD|G3 G3:| |:d2d def|g3g3|c2c cdc|c3fg3| dcB c2e|dBd D2C|EFG AFD|G3 G3:| |:BGE EGE|AFD DFD|EFGABG|{G}F3 D3| ded dBG|efe efg|dcB AGF|G3 G3:|
X:1 T:Plangsty Connor—In the Poor Solider M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air C:Carolan B:Samuel, Anne & Peter Thompson – The Hibernian Muse (London, 1787, No. 15, p. 10) N:”A Collection of the most Favorite Compositions of Carolan the Celebrated Irish Bard” Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G G2G FED|E2F G2A|B2G c2A|B2G c2A| Bcd EFG|ABG FED|EFG AFD|G3 G3:|| |:d2d def|g3 g3|c2c cdc|e3g3| dcB c2e|dBd D2D|EFG AFD|G3 G3:|| |:BGE EGE|AFD DFD|EFG ABG|{G}F3 D3| ded dBG|efe efg|dcB AGF|G3 G3:|]
X:1 T:Planxty Connor M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air S:O'Farrell - Pocket Companion, vol. 1 (c. 1805) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G D | GAG FED | E2F G2A | B2G c2A | B2G c2A | Bcd E2E | ABG FED | EFE AGF | G3 G2 :| |: c | B2d def | g3g3 | BcB Bcd | e2e efg | dBG c2A | Bcd D2D | EFE AGF | G3G2 :| |: c | BGE EGE | AFD DED | E2F GAG | FEF D3 | d2d dcB | efe efg | dBG cAF | G3G2 :|
X:1 T:Plangsty Connor M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air B:Patrick McGahon music manuscript collection (1817, No. 86) N:McGahon was a scribe of Irish language literature who lived in N:Dungooley, County Louth, on the Armagh border. He was a N:teacher with The Irish Society in the early 19th century, but little N:else is known about him. A few tunes in the ms. are written in other N:hands. B:Pádraigín Ní UIallacháin – “A Hidden Ulster” (2003, p. 461) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G G2 G FED|E2F G2A|B2G c2A|B2G c2A| Bcd EFG|ABG FED|EFG AFD|G3 G3|| d2d def|g3 g3|c2c cdc|e3g3|dcB c2 e|dBd D2D| EFG AFD|G3 G3||BGE EGE|AFD DFD|EFG ABG| GF2 D3|ded dBG|efe efg|dcB AGF|G3 G3||
X:1 T:Planxty Conner M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air Q:”Allegro Motto” B:William Forde – 300 National Melodies of the British Isles (c. 1841, p. 26, No. 85) B: N:William Forde (c.1795–1850) was a musician, music collector and scholar from County Cork Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:C cdc BAG|A2B c2d|e2c f2d|e2c f2d| efg ABc|dec BAG|ABc dBG|c3 c3|| efe efg|a3 a3|ded def|g3 g3| gfe fga|g^fg G2G|ABc dBG|c3 c3||
X:1 T:Planxty Connor M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air S:James Goodman music manuscript collection (mid-19th cent., County Cork, p. 92) F: F:at Trinity College Dublin / Irish Traditional Music Archive Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G D|GAG FED|E2F G2A|B2G c2A|B2G c2A| Bcd EFE|ABG FED|EFE AGF|G3 G2:| |:c|B2d def|g3 g3|BcB Bcd|e2 e efg| dBG c2A|Bcd D2D|EFE AGF|G3 G2:| |:c|BGE EFE|AFD DED|E2F GAG|FEF E3| d2d dcB|efe efg|dBG dAF|G3 G2:|
X:1 T:Untitled N:c.f. John O’Connor, Planxty Conor, Bob in the Bed, What true felicity I shall find M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air B:Stephen Grier music manuscript collection (Book 3, c. 1883, No. 149, B:p. 49 and No. 188, p. 58) B: N:Stephen Grier (c. 1824-1894) was a piper and fiddler from N:Newpark, Bohey, Gortletteragh, south Co. Leitrim. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G D2|GAG FED|E2F G2A|BcB BAG|A2B c2A| Bcd E2E|AFD D2D|EFG AGF|G3 G2:| |:c|B2d def|g3 g2B|cBc ABc|d3 def| gfe dcB|cBc D2D|EFG AGF|G3 G2:|
X:1 T:Planxty Mrs. O’Conor M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Spirited" S:O’Neill – Music of Ireland (1903), No. 666 Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G G2G FED|E2F G2A|B2G c2A|B2G c2A| Bcd EFG|ABG FED|EFG AFD|G3 G2A| Bcd EFG|ABG FED|EFG AFD|G3 G2z|| d2d def|g3g3|B2B Bcd|e3e3| dcB c2e|d^cd D2D|EFG AFD|G3G2z| dcB c2e|d^cd D2D|EFG AFD|G3G3|| BGE EGE|AFD DFD|EFG ABG|F3D3| ded dBG|efe efg|dcB AGF|G3 G2z| ded dBG|efe efg|dcB AGF|G3 G2z||