MacPherson's Lament

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 Theme code Index    1122 17L6L5L
 Also known as    Antarctic Ice, Macpherson's Rant, Macpherson's Farewell, McFarsance's Testament, MacFoset's Farewell, MacFossett's Farewell, Freebooter (The), McPherson's Farewell, Sawny's Farewell
 Composer/Core Source    
 Region    Scotland
 Genre/Style    Scottish
 Meter/Rhythm    Air/Lament/Listening Piece, Country Dance
 Key/Tonic of    F
 Accidental    1 flat
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    4/4, 2/2
 Structure    AABBCC
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:John Walsh
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:The Third Book of the Compleat Country Dancing-Master
 Tune and/or Page number    p. 50
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1735
 Title of recording    
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    
 Year recorded    
 Score   (1)   

X:1 T:MacForset's Farewell M:C| L:1/8 R:Country Dance B:Wright's Compleat Collection of Celebrated Country Dances (1740, p. 42) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F C|F>GF>A G/G/G GA|F>GE>A D2 C2|F>GF>A G/G/G GA|FE/F/ G/F/E/D/ C3:| |:c|F/F/F cA dGGA|F/F/F cE D2 Cc|F/F/F cA dGGA|FE/F/ G/F/E/D/ C3:| |:c|AFBG cAdB|FD BD E>DC>c|AFBG cAdB|FE/F/ G/F/E/D/ C3:|]

X:2 T:Mac Fosset's Farewell T:MacPherson's Farewell M:C| L:1/8 R:Country Dance B:John Walsh - Caledonian Country Dances (c. 1745, p. 57) N:Published in London in several volumes and editions 1731-c. 1745 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F C|F>GF>A G/G/G GA|F>GF>A D2C2|F>GF>A G/G/G GA|FE/F/ G/F/E/D/ C2:| |:c|F/F/F cF dGGA|F/F/F cF D2 Cc|F/F/F cA dGGA|FE/F/ G/F/E/D/ C2:| |:c|AFBG cAdB|FDBE E>DC>c|AF BG cA dB|FE/F/ G/F/E/D/ C3:|]

X:1 T:McPherson’s Farewell M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Slow" N:”End with the slow part.” B:Oswald – Caledonian Pocket Companion Book 10 (1760, p. ) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G E|G>AGB|AGAB|G>AF>G E2 E(D/E/)|G>AGB|TAGAB| GG A/G/F/E/|D2D::g/e/|dG (B/c/)(d/B/)|fA A(g/e/)|dG d/B/A/G/| E2 Eg/e/|dG (B/c/)(d/B/)|(g/e/)(d/B/) AB|GG A/G/F/E/|D2 D:| |:d/e/|g>a g(3g/a/b/|agab|g/b/a/g/ f/a/g/f/|(e2 e)(3d/e/f|g>agb| Tagab|gg a/g/f/e/|d2d::(g/e/)|(d/B/) G2 (A/B/)|d(B/A/) A(g/e/)| d>B TA/G/A/B/|E2 E(g/e/)|d/(B/A/G/) d/(B/A/G/)|g/(e/d/B/) AB|GG (A/G/)(F/E/)|D2!fermata!D:| M:C L:1/8 "Brisk"E|G>AGB A/A/A AB|GAGd E/E/E E2|G>AGB AGAB|GAFE D/D/D D:| |:g|dG (/c/d/B/) eAAg|dG (B/c/d/B/) eEEg|dG (B/c/d/B/) (e/d/c/B/) AB| GAFE D/D/D D::f|g>agb a/a/a ab|g>af>g e/e/e ef|g>agb a/a/a ab| gafe d/d/d d::g|BGdB ecAg|dBdB eGEg|BGdB e/d/c/B/ AB|GAFE D/D/D D:|]

X:3 T:McPherson's farewell M:C L:1/8 Q:"Lively" S:McGibbon - Scots Tunes, book III, p. 92 (1762) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G (D/4E/4F/) | G>AGB T(A/G/A/)B/ A(G/F/) | (G/B/A/)G/ (F/A/G/)F/ T(E2 E)D/E/ | G>AGB T(A/G/A/)B/ A(G/F/) | G(F/E/) (A/F/)(G/E/) (D2D) :: T(f/e/) | dGeG c>BAT(g/e/) | dGeG (E2 E)(Tf/e/) | dG e/f/g/B/ Tc>BAB | GF/E/ A/F/G/E/ (D2D) :: (d/4e/4f/) | g>agb (Ta/g/a/)b/ a(Tg/f/) | (g/b/a/g/) (f/a/g/f/) (Te2 d)(d/4/e/4f/) | g>agb (Ta/g/a/)b/ a(g/f/) | g(f/e/) (a/f/)(g/e/) (d2d) :: (Tf/e/) | (d/G/)(e/G/) (d/G/)(e/G/) c>B A(Tf/e/) | (d/G/)(e/G/) (f/G/)(g/G/) (E2 E)(Tf/e/) | d/(g/Tf/e/) (d/c/B/)d/ (c/B/A/)c/ (B/A/)(G/F/) | (G/F/G/)E/ A/F/G/E/ (D2D) :|]

X:4 T:MacPherson's Lament L:1/8 M:C S:Gow - 1st Repository (1799) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F (C/D/E)|F3G F2A2|GFGA {A}G2FE|F3G (AG)(FE)|{E}D4 D2 (C/D/E)| F3G F2A2|{A}G>FGA {A}G2FE|F2 ED (GE)(FD)|C4 C2:| |:d2|c2F2c2d2|c3A (GA)Bd|c2F2(c2d2)|D4 ~D2d2| c2F2c3A|{A}c3A (GB)AG|F2 ED (GE)(FD)|C4 C2:| |:(c/d/e)|f3g f2a2|{a}gfga {a}g2 fe|f3g (ag)fe|d4 d2 (c/d/e)| f3g f2a2|{a}gfga {a}g2fe|f2 ed (ge)(fd)|c4c2:| |:a>g|f2F2 (BA)(GF)|{AB}c2 F2F2 a>g|f2 F2 (c2d2)|D4 ~D2 a>g| f>F (F2 {EF}A>)F (F2{EF})|{=B}c3A G2A2|F2 EF (GF)(ED)|C4 C2:|]

X:1 T:Pipe March (Macpherson) T:Short Pipe March M:C L:1/8 R:Pipe March B:Celtic Melodies, Being a Collection of Original Slow Highland Airs, B:Pipe-Reels, and Cainntearachd, vol. 1 (Edinburgh, c. 1830, No. 47, p. 27) N:"Selected and Arranged by a Highlander." The editors have been N:identified as Finlay Dunn and George Farquhar Graham Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Dmix B|d>Ad>f e>de>f|d<A {Ad}f>d {d}B3c|d>Adf e>de>f|d>e{e}d>B A3B| d>Ad>e Te>de>f|d<A {Ad}f>d {d}B3c|d>Ad>f Te>de>f|de{e}dB A3|| f|a>da>f Te>de<f|a>da>d B3f|adaf Te>def|dedB A3f| a>da>f e>de>f|a>da>d B3f|a>da>f e>de>f|dedTB A3||

X:1 T:Macpherson's Farewell M:C| L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Andante" S:John Rook music manuscript collection (1840, p. 39) N:Rook was a multi-instrumentalist from Waverton, near Wigton, Cumbria Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G D|G>AGB A>B B/A/G/F/|GE A/G/F/E/ D3 D/E/|G>AGB A>B B/A/G/F/| GF/G/ A/G/F/E/ D3:||:e|dG B/c/d/B/ eAAe|dG B/c/d/B/ !fermata!E3 {cd}e| dG B/c/d/B/ e/d/c/B/ A/c/B/A/|GF/G/ A/G/F/E/ D3:|]