Mrs. Fullarton of Fullarton
Mrs. Fullarton of Fullarton: Annotations
X:1 T:Mrs. Fullarton of Fullarton's Reel M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:John Riddell of Ayr – Collection of Scots Reels, Minuets &c. B:for the Violin (1782, p. 22) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:F (c/d/4e/4)|:f3 fag|fed cde|fFF FGA|fFF FGA| g3 gba|gfe def|gGG GA=B|gGG GA=B:| F2c (A/B/c)A|fcA (f/g/a)g|fFF FGA|fFF FGA| G2c (=B/c/d)B|gd=B g/a/ba|gGG GA=B|gGG GA=B| F2B (A/B/c)A|fcA (f/g/a)g|fFF FGA|fFF FGA| GAB ABc|dba g^fg|gGG GA=B|gGG G2||