Royal Highlanders' Farewell to Aberdeen (The)
X:1 T:Royal Highlanders' Farewell to Aberdeen, The M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Pipe March B:William Ross -- Ross's Collection of Pipe Music (1869, No. 27, p. 72) N:The first edition was issued in 1869 and added to in subsequent N:editions. No information on what edition this tune first appeared in. Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D f|Ad d/<d/e/f/|g/f/e/d/ f2|gB Bc/d/|e/f/e/c/ A2| Ad d/<d/e/f/|g/f/e/d/ f2|gB f/e/d/c/|d2 d:| f/g/|aA Ac|BG A2| Ad Ad|e/d/c/B/ Af/g/| aA Ac|BG A2|Ad e/f/e/c/|d2 df/g/| aA Ac|BG A2 Ad Ad|e/d/c/B/ Af/g/| aA Ac|BG A2 Ad f/e/d/c/|d2 d||