Tars of the Victory
X: 1 T:Tars of the Victory. RH.019, The R:Jig B:Rev.R.Harrison's MS,c1815,Cumbria N:Nelson was given command in the Mediteranean in 1803, and his N:flagship was the Victory, in which he died in 1805 at the N:Battle of Trafalgar..CGP O:England A:Temple Sowerby,Cumbria Z:vmp.Simon Wilson. Review PJH, 2008. M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:3/8=120 K:D b|a^ga aga|d'2d d2f|efg ABc|dfa a2a| a^ga aga|d'2d def|efg ABc|d2f d2:| |:d'|c'ba a2e|fga d2f|efg ABc|dfa a2d'| c'ba a2g|fga def|efg ABc|dfa d2:|
X: 1
T:Tars of the Victory
B:Chris Partington's English Session Tunes
T:News of the Victory
d|d^cd d^cd|g2G G2B|ABc DEF|G2B d2d|
d^cd d^cd|g2G G2B|ABc DEF|G2B G2:|
|:g|fed d2c|Bcd G2B|ABc DEF|GBd d2g|
fed d2c|Bcd G2B|ABc DEF|G3G2:|]