Tuneful Nightingale (The)
X: 1 T:Tuneful Nightingale. PFD2.303, The B:Playford's Dancing Master, Vol 2, 1713-28 Z:vmp.Steve Mansfield 2015 www.village-music-project.org.uk M:C| L:1/8 W:Longways for as many as will. W:Note: Each Strain is to be play'd twice over. W:First Man and second Woman go the whole Figure thro' the first Woman and second Man |. W:First Woman and second Man do the same |: First Man lead his Partner below the W:second Man, and Figure through the second Couple .| Sett Sides, then Sett to your W:Partners, fall back two Steps, then first Couple cast off |: Q:2/4=90 N:Repeats not in Mss, added to match dance instruction K:F f4 c4 | f2ed c2B2 | A2B2 c2dc | B2A2 G2C2 | f4 c4 | fedc dcBA | GABc AdcB | AGFE F4 :| |: a4 g4 | a2f2 c2f2 | b4 g4 | bagf e2c2 | afaf afaf | bgbg bgbg | agfe dfef | f3e f4 :|
X: 1
T:Tuneful Nightingale. WCD3/2.126, The
Z:vmp. Peter Dunk 2015 www.village-music-project.org.uk
B:Walsh, Compleat Country Dancing Master, 3rd Series, 2nd Bk, 3rd Ed., 1749
f4c4|f2ed c2B2|A2B2 c2dc|B2A2G2C2|f4c4|
fedc dcBA|GA Bc AdcB|AGFE F4:|
|:a4g4|a2f2c2f2|b4g4|bagf e2c2|
af af af af|bg bg bg bg|agfe dfef|f3e f4:|
W:Each Strain Twice. (repeats added to notation accordingly)