Where the Southern Crosses the Dog
X:1 T:Where the Southern Crosses the Dog S:Willie Narmour (1889-1961) and Shellie Smith (1895-1968) (Carroll County, Mississippi) M:C| L:1/8 R:Country Rag Q:"Moderate" N:The beats per measure are irregular throughout the piece, and no attempt has N:been made to add time signatures to the transcription. The piece is highly N:improvisational, and Narmour varies it considerably with each repetition. D:OKeh 45480 (78 RPM), Narmour & Smith (1930) F:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/where-southern-crosses-dog Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:C [B4g4][B3g3][Bg]-|[Bg]a2g e2 |[G2c2]G2 [Gc]G A2|c2[d2e2]-[e2e2]g2 ed c2|B8-B2| [B4g4][B3g3]a|g2+slide+e2-edcG[D2A2]|[E6c6] _E2-|=EDEc- c2A2| EDE2 [E6c6] _E2-|=EDEc- c2A2|EDE2 [E6c6] [G2_B2]-|[G=B][GA][GB][Bg]- [B2g2]f2| dB3 g6_B-|=BABg- g2f2|dB3 g6 ||