Hell Amongst the Yearlings (1)
X:1 T:Hell among the Yearlings [1] M:C| L:1/8 Q:"Fast" S:Arthur Smith (1898-1971, Humphreys County, east Tennessee) D:Folkways FW 02379, Arthur Smith - "Look! Who's Here: Old Timers of D:the Grand Ole Opry" (1964). F:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/indian-creek-0 Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D V:1 clef=treble name="1." [V:1] Ac|defd efde|fdeg fdBc| defd efdA | cBcB A2Ac| dcde fded|BG[GB][GA][G4B4]|FG A2a3b|afed cBAG | FDDD D2:|| |:[GA]-|[A2A2]BA [F2A2][F2A2]|ABAF D4|+slide+A,2EE C2EE|A,2E2C2E2| FA A2 BABc|dBAG FAFD|A,G,A,B, CDEC|D2D4:|]
X:2 T:Hell Amongst the Yearlings [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Christeson - Old Time Fiddler's Repertory vol. 1 (1973) K:D V:1 clef=treble name="2." [V:1] A/c/|d/e/f/d/ e/f/d/e/|f/d/e/f/- f/e/d/B/|d/e/f/d/ e/f/e/d/|c/B/c/B/ AA/c/| d/c/d/e/ f/e/d/c/|B/A/G/A/ B/G/ e/f/|a/e/f/a/- ab/a/|f/g/e/d/ c/A/B/c/|d e/c/ d:| D/E/|[F/A/][AA] [A/B/] [AA]F/G/|A/B/A/G/ F/D/F/D/|[A,E][EA][A,E][EA]|A,/G,/A,/B,/ [CE]D/E/| F/A/][AA] [A/B/] [AA]F/G/|A/F/E/F/ D/E/F/D/|A,/G,/A,/B,/ C/D/E/C/|[DD]>[DE] [DD]:||
X:3 T:Trouble among the Yearlings S:Ernie Carpenter (1909-1997, Braxton County, W.Va.) M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D:Augusta Heritage AHR 012, Ernie Carpenter - Old-Time Fiddling of Braxton County (1992) F:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/trouble-among-yearlings Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D V:1 clef=treble name="3." [V:1] [G2A2]-|[A2A2][AA][AA] [AA]BAG|FGFE DEDB,|A,G,A,B, DFEF/E/|[M:6/4]DEF[FA]- [A3A3][AA][A2A2] [G2A2]-| [M:C|][A2A2][AA][AA] [AA]BAG|FGFE DEDB,|A,G,A,B, DFEF/E/|D3F D2:|| |:A(B|d)ddd fded|Bddd [d2f2]AB|d2dd fded|cBAB A2A(B| d)ddd fded|BG2G [G2B2]bb|agec Aceg|fedd [D2d2]:||
X:4 T:Hell Among the Yearlings [1] N:From the playing of fiddler Sarah Singleton (1915-1995, Heator, N:Braxton County, W.Va.), recorded in the field by Gerry Milnes. M:C| L:1/8 Q:"Fast" R:Reel D:Augusta Heritage AHR 012, Sarah Singleton - "Old Time Fiddling of Braxton D:County vol. 1" (1992) D:https://www.slippery-hill.com/content/hell-among-yearlings-12 Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D V:1 clef=treble name="4." [V:1] (e|fe)de fdef| d2de fdef|d2e-f- faaf|"*"J[c2e2][ce][=ce]- [^c2e2][A2e2]| z(Ade) fded|B2[G2B2]- [GB]Bbg|a2c-A- Acea|fdee (d2[d2f2])[D2A2]-| [DA]Bd[de] fded |[d2f2]de fded-|d2e-f- faaf|[ce][Ae][ce][Be] A2 A2-| ABde fded|B2 [G2B2]- [G2B2] Bbg|a2 c-A- Acea|fdee (d2[d2f2])|| |:[F2A2]-[A2A2]- [AA]BAA|[=FA]-[^FA] [F2A2]- [FA][GA][F2A2]|JA,2E2- EA,EE|A,2E2 (^DE-E2)| [FA]-[AA]-[AA]A- AABA| FDFD {F}G2 FD|A,2JA,2- A,A,EE|DEFE D4:| P:Substitution "*" ec[ce]=c- ^c2[A2e2]|