Miss Lucy Long
X:1 T:Miss Lucy Long M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Air S:Howe – Complete Preceptor for the Accordeon (1843) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:C (c/d/) | .e.e .c.c | .Bd ze | .f.f B.B | c2 z (c/d/) | .e.e .c.c | Bg z g/g/ | ff AB | c2 z c/d/ | .e.e .c.c | B>d ze | ff AB | c2 z c/d/ | .e.e .c.c | B>d ze | ff AB | c2 z :|]
X:1 T:Miss Lucy Long M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Air B:Gumbo Chaff - The Complete Preceptor for the Banjo (1851, p. 10) N: A later edition of the earliest known banjo tutor, published in 1848. It was written by Elias Howe, whose pseudonym Gumbo Chaff N:is taken from Thomas Dartmouth Rice's 1834 blackface character. The 1851 edition was published in Boston by Oliver Ditson. N:In 1850 Howe sold some of his works to Ditson (this one among them) and agreed not to publish similar works for ten years. Z:AK/FIddler's Companion K:G G/A/|.B.B .G.G|FA zB|.c.c .F.F|G2 z(G/A/)| .B.B .G.G|Fd z.d/.d/|.c.c .E.F|g2 z|| (G/A/)|.B.B. G.G|F>A zB|cc EF G2 z[G/g/][A/a/]| [Bb][Ba] [Gg][Gg]f<az [Bb]|[cc'][cc'] [Ee][Ff[G2g2]z||
X:29 T:Miss Lucy Long. Roose.0743 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=100 B:J.Roose MS, Manchester 1850 Z:Village Music Project, Steve Mansfield 2019 K:G G | BBGG | FA zB | {d}cB/B/ cd | G2 zG |\ BBGG | FF d>d | ^c>df>e | d2 z || G | BBGG | FA zB | cc EF | G2 zG/A/ |\ BBGG | FA d>d | e>dcA | G2 z |]